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Earn credits.

Tasks/videos : Based on your location, you are served periodical offers ranging from simple things like filling out a survey or installing an app, to more complicated operations like playing a game or creating third party website accounts.

Giveaways : We do everyday giveaways, where you can earn credits doing nothing.

Affiliates : Share your link and earn up to 10% from your reffered members

Contests : Win extra credits participating in various contests and secure higher rankings for the chance to earn extra credits in our Bitcoin casino.


Play games.

You can have fun and earn some extra credits. When you start earning bitcoin, you can consider trading them and double the profit. If interested in crypto trading, visit https://coincierge.de/bitcoin-profit/, an automated trading platform that specializes in bitcoin.


Withdraw Anytime.

You can request withdraw to xapo, faucethub,faucetsystem, bitskins ! More soon...

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You can setup your username after login and you will get a random avatar

Active Giveaways

Withdraw Methods

Faucethub.io withdraw Xapo Wallet withdraw FaucetSystem.com withdraw Bitcoin withdraw BitSkins.com withdraw

Multiple Crypto-Currencies

Bitcoin withdraw Bitcoin cash withdraw Litecoin withdraw Dashcoin withdraw Ethereum withdraw Dogecoin withdraw Blackcoin withdraw Peercoin withdraw Primecoin withdraw
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